A Glimpse at Our Nursery } 50% done
Hubby and I are renovating our guestroom into a nursery. The room was a mess and we pretty much threw everything that we didn't want to see in there. Honestly it didnt really look like a guestroom but more of storage space. Here is a pix of our guestroom when we first moved into our home. ick! We decided to donate the bed since we wont be needing it anymore and really dont have any where to put it. Look at the mess! Took us couple of hours to declutter and organize the room Looking a bit better but we still need to paint and adding few more items I heard that this lil Sophie Giraffe is a MUST have for all babies! We decided to stay away from the pink theme for the nursery, and go with more neutral colors. Hope baby Huynh doesnt mind Already getting some cute clothes for her arrival Stay tuned!