
Showing posts with the label Kaylee

Happy Happy 17!

It's so good to be home and see this happy face! Flying is so stressful, I now have airport phobia for being stuck there for so long! Kudos to anyone that is always on the go! Thank goodness for my ipad for keeping me company, I finished Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella while waiting and Delta gave me $400 voucher for overbooking my flight! Kaylee and her awesome milestones this month: She is no longer on breast milk and just organic vitamin D (I think it's kinda awesome that I was able to breast fed her for 17 months) It was definitely not easy weaning her out of it.  So glad that she can finally sit still through a book and enjoy me reading to her.  No more winkling around or try to steal the book from me. I love having this bonding time with her. She can hum to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle little star and she must watch this adorable video each day! She is such a petite little girl, weighing only about 20-21 lbs. Still really picky with food and eat very li

Mall of America Bound

While we were in Minnesota couple weeks ago, we had to stop by Mall of America to check out the Nickelodeon Universe. When I was living there, they had Camp Snoopy but they changed it couple years ago.  Mall of America was the highlight of Kaylee's trip since she saw all her favorite TV characters in real life. Especially Dora, Diego and Kai Lan! Waving at Kai Lan, she was hoping to get her attention She kept wanting to touch Dora and Kai Lan, to see if they were real I think hehe She was all smiles until we had to leave. She was in tears! She still so adorable even though she's crying! Lego Land Quick stop at Tea Garden for some yummy refreshments What a fun eventful day at the Mall of America! Have you guys been there? It's huge, 4-5 stories high!  Hope you are having a great week so far!

Kimochi Huggtopus

So grateful to see this happy adorable face each day.  Please don't grow up so fast Kaylee, mommy is just getting the hang of this whole parenting thing! Can you please stay this little and adorable forever!  Kaylee recently received this adorable Kimochi (means "feeling" in Japanese) Huggtopus from Hullabalu . Check out their site for hand picked stuffed animals! They are going to come out with their own line of characters and stories soon so cant wait for that! Huggtopus came with three feelings: happy, frustrated and silly, a great way to teach Kaylee to identify and express feelings in positive and fun ways. Thorough this whole shoot, she was so silly! I love her pouting lips-duck face! She's at a stage where she's very good with telling us what she like and does not like. Which books she like me to read to her before bed and what food she does not want to eat. She also very good at testing her limits too but were pretty good at not always given

The Outdoor

Right before our family trip, I shot these photos of Kaylee while she was exploring the outdoor. This girl is all smiles when she's outside playing. There's something about her smiles that melt my heart. While on our trip, many had asked us when we will have another one. Right now we just want to enjoy her and spoil her with lots of kisses and whatever happens happen :) I am finally back in town, it was a nice little break from blogging, cooking and cleaning! :D It's good to be back and sleep in our bed though! Can't wait to share some photos from our trip!

Kaylee is 16 Months!

16 Months and Counting:: -Kaylee is very fascinated with water, can't get enough of bath time and we need to get her into a kiddie pool soon! ::She's is definitely a dog lover, she call them Jet ::Weighing in only at 20 lbs, such a petite little girl! ::She would kiss you on the lips if you give her food or if she want something. ::Loves Vietnamese food and no more baby puree for her ::Not camera shy at all but you already know that from all her photos on my blog! :D ::She's very attached to her daddy and thinks mommy is too strict. ::Favorite TV show-Yo Gabba Gabba, Dora Explorer and Go Diego Go ::If she doesn't like something, she will let us know by say NO very clearly ::Still smiling and happy baby (thank goodness) 

Hello Washington..DC

Happy Monday!! This post is long overdue; we took a family road trip to Washington DC a couple weeks ago when my sister and her friend was in town. Traveling with a baby was interesting since we have to navigate on-the-go naps and make sure she's in a good mood throughout the trip. We visited the Holocaust, which was a pretty powerful memorial museum, just wish it wasn't so crowded! We had good time eating out at Eden Center in Falls Church, meeting Cee To Brighten My Day and did some shopping in Georgetown. The traffic in DC is just plain horrible! :X The highlight of the night was watching Manny Pacquiao fight on our ipad while facetiming our friend since we didn't have HBO in our hotel room :D Good time. Our next family trip is traveling to Minneapolis to visit Kaylee's godparents and grandparents! Any good tips on traveling on a plane with a baby?