Yellow Lemonade & Winner

Kaylee milestone:: 5 months 2 weeks :: starting to sit up for couple minutes :: loves organic oatmeal cereal, kisses, dogs, laughter

My precious baby, as I hold you close in my arms, I can feel your heart beating next to mine as if we are one. You are the light of my life and shine my world with hope and happiness.

Thank you so much everyone who entered for the giveaway! Cassie, if you can email me your address, I will send you your gift! {yvhuynh @ gmail}

Happy Friday and have a great weekend! {virtual hugs from baby K}


  1. Oh goodness ... love that expressive face. She has sure got a killer smile :) Congrats on the milestone!

    ♥ Cat brideblu

  2. kaylee cannot be any cuter!!!!! she is seriously adorable!
    and i can't believe i won!!!!! i am so excited! as i sit here in my mess of a house while the moving company packs up the rest of our house, i read your post and it made my day!

  3. Happy weekend to you too! Miss Kaylee celebrated some fun milestones this month!

  4. Your daughter is SO cute...I love her little dress and the flower headband! She is just adorable and sweet! OK..I almost fell out of my chair..Amrita Singh necklace that was $150 for about $20? I've never seen such a great buy EVER! NICE!

  5. Love your pics and everytime I run out of words coz I feel im repeating myself. They are that good! K is super cute!

  6. Stunning photos ! She is so cute !!!

  7. Ah, she gets cuter every time you post pictures! You're so blessed. Love her headband!

  8. every time I see her my ovaries hurt makes me want another little one so bad. She is such a little doll and such a expressive face and those eyes gah shoot me in the heart!

  9. Hi sweet Kaylee!! Where did you get her headbands? I loove them!!

  10. She has more hair than my little guy! Adorable.
    I think I read previously that you make her headbands? Do you sale them? My sister is expecting a baby girl in November.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  11. She is so precious! I love all the bright colors! Great pictures.

  12. yvonne your daughter is SO crazy gorgeous.. she has the most adorable cheeks and her eyes really light up :)!!!

  13. oh my these are just such beautiful pictures. i love how the pictures are also different from the pictures you've taken since she's sitting up now :) she's just too cute for words

  14. oh her smile is so contagious and she's sitting already! happy 5 months and 2 week kaylee darling!

  15. her eyes/facial expressions are so precious! how can you resist that face?! i bet when she's older, it's going to be hard to discipline her.

    i wish i could have another one right now! especially a girl... it's going to hard to convince will! hahaha.

    she looks just like you! BEAUUUTIFUL!!!

    xx, cins

  16. as usual, your photos are gorgeous! and wow! 5 months! she is growing up so fast! enjoy every minute, it goes by way too fast!

  17. Your daughter is honestly adorable! She's blessed to have such a lovely mother like you! Can't wait to see her all grown :')

  18. She is such a cutie - I love the lemon yellow and you two look gorgeous together! I followed you :)

  19. beautyful girl<3 looks already like a little model.

  20. thanks for the Pinterest invite doll... i'm officially addicted ;)

  21. hoow cute is she!! Her dress is amazingly gorgeous where did you get it? How old is she? such a sunshine you have a really nice blog girl!



  22. Sooo sweet! I think she was born to model! :)

  23. oh my goodness gracious! she is one of the cutest if not thee cutest baby girl i have ever seen. so precious :)

  24. adorable!!


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