CB2 Contest

I need a huge favor from you guys! Yesterday I got an email from CB2 saying that they are having a contest on a creative space, so I entered it for fun. Well as I was looking at the prizes today, I am so blown away by them. 1 Winner will get $10,000 in CB2 merchandise, a private photo shoot with Todd Selby to be featured on his blog, theselby.com, and a signed print from the shoot. There is also second and and third prize too! I'm just hoping to get the honorable mentions prize which 15 ppl can win.

I entered these three photos

I encourage you to vote for others but be nice if you could also vote for me too? :)
Click on image


  1. I voted for you and hope you win. I just love how simple yet super classy your place is. I've been attempting to decorate our house since we moved in 3 years ago unsuccessfully. I hope you don't mind me "borrowing" some of your ideas.

  2. @Musubi

    Thanks girlie! you are more then welcome to borrow any ideas..that's pretty much what i did too..look at other homes to gather up ideas..good luck! and thanks for ur vote!

  3. Love your Design! you got my vote =D

  4. Lovely! Your place looks gorgeous.

  5. just voted for you sweets ;)
    will you buy me this if you win 10 grand? http://www.cb2.com/family.aspx?c=1260&f=6206
    heheheheh jk.

    i hope you win though!!!!

  6. Thanks for your comment on my camera post! Oooh Pioneer Woman is one of my favs! I'll definitely have to check out her photography tips ~ thank you!

    Do you use Photoshop to edit your photos?

    Also, what kind of lens{es} do you use?

  7. P.S. Your rooms are too fab! I'll definitely be voting for you :)

  8. LOOKS beautiufl xxx


  9. Your place is really nice. What a difference that chandelier makes! I am so in awe with people who can put together rooms like this. Want to come decorate mine? ;-) You got my vote!

    Lovely blog!

  10. Thank you so much guys for all who voted! I really really appreciated it!


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