Fall Cleaning

It's so nice to finally clean our house. Before we had Kaylee, I made our bed everyday and try to keep the room organized. Now with having an infant, that is just impossible to do. Over the weekend we had our carpet professionally cleaned and had to rearranged the furniture around so Kaylee have room to craw. Feels great to come home to nice and clean home for once! I will be sharing an update on the nursery and our living room next week! How often do you make your bed and clean your house?

I made Kaylee a baby book and it finally arrived yesterday! I have so many photos of her so I thought it would be great to make a baby book of her for the first 6 months. I will be doing another book from 7 months to 1 year. We're planning on having our close friends and family write a message for Kaylee in the back too!

Made the book through Blurb.com, if you like to view the full book, you can view it on here.

Thanks for visiting-tomorrow is Friday! yah!


  1. I hardly ever make the bed, the BF does that everyday. He's a neat freak, and well I really don't care haha. That's bad to say! I love that big mirror in your room.

  2. You have a beautiful home! Oh my goodness, I need to clean so bad! Having company over often helps keep our house organized and some-what in order :)

  3. I wish my room was that clean! I have clothes everywhere and it seems impossible to keep ANY room clean around here. I need to do major cleaning, but it's finding the time.

    Love the baby book. My aunt went to Vietnam last month so I sent some pictures home with her to put together a 1-5 month book for Matthew. That's as close to a 'scrabook' as I've gotten for him. I miss scrapbooking!

  4. you and your impeccable sense of decoration... teach me your ways darling!

  5. Your house looks WAY more organized, clean and beautiful than mine. It is quite a shame because I pretty much get up and go. Probably make bed just a fee times a week, I make time to clean once a week. Wish I could do more.

    The baby book is absolutely lovely, Yvonne. That is going to be a lifetime keepsake. Kaylee will sure appreciate all the little things you do for her.

  6. Your bedroom is way more organized than mine! :/ P.S. I saw you won the Cup of Jo giveaway! :)))

  7. I make our bed every morning, its the one thing I must do. I'm envious of all the natural light in your room! Beautiful baby book, Blurb is perfect for that, we made wedding books with it.

  8. So neat! I do clean the house everyday but clearing the mess and making bed is like once a week.. And the mess is all toys lying around everywhere!!!

  9. well i def try to make my bed everyday...but that does not always happen. and i try to make sunday the clean up day...but yea that does not always happen either. you have a very nice home!


  10. i love how crisp and clean your place is! i make my bed everyday but not in the morning. i have to have the bed made before i go to bed. is that weird? lol.

    i love blurb! i had books with photos from all of the bf and i's vacations. xx

  11. omg what a great idea. :) i am def going to make one as well. thank you for this great idea

  12. I make my bed every day. But...I don't have kids. lol just a man to clean up after who actually has to make the bed with me since we have a King size and it takes forever to walk back and forth to each side of the bed just to pull the sheets up when he can just stand there on the other side and in one swift tug, pull them up!

    I've always made my bed since I was in Middle School. It has just always stuck with me, I actually have "off" days if I don't make it first thing in the AM!!

  13. Hi Yvonne, my husband and I don't make the bed anymore. We're that lazy. We also have a 'domestic technician' come and help us clean the house every 3 weeks. My husband and I would always argue about who cleans what so we thought a cleaning lady would be cheaper then marriage counselling (haha). Thanks also for introducing us to the blurb, i will check them out :) Have a great weekend!

  14. I try to make my bed everday, but sometimes one or two cats sneak into it while I am in the bathroom and then I just let them sleep and don't do my bed.

  15. i am a bit OCD and have to make the bed everyday! mine and both of the girls beds!

  16. To be honest I hardly make my bed. I have such a busy morning but I do when company is over. I love blurbs I need to get started on a few books that I need to make.



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