Happy new year to those who does celebrate the lunar new year! They say that it is very unlucky to sweep the floor during the first five days of the new year since you might be sweeping your good luck and also wealth away. So make sure to sit back and relax today! I'm guessing don't vacuum too since that will suck all your money away! :D Some families usually don't use knives and scissors so that you don't cut the thread of good luck in the upcoming new year! I'm not sure if I do believe in all the superstitions but it's fun to read. Here are some other superstitions I found online, which I thought was very interesting: On New Year's Day, we are not suppose to wash our hair because it would mean we would have washed away good luck for the New Year. Red clothing is preferred during this festive occasion. Red is considered a bright, happy color, sure to bring the wearer a sunny and bright future. It is believed that appearance and attitude during New Ye...