
30 min meal

Last week, all I had in the fridge was cabbage and shrimp so I made a really quick meal. With preparing and cooking, it took me about 30 minutes to cook. My husband took Yoshi (the dog) out for a walk and I told him that food would be on a table by the time his walk is over, and here it is. Buttery Shrimp and cabbage. Hope everyone had a great weekend !

Today I heart....

Simply Bloom Photography! I came across their blog the other day and I couldnt stop looking through all the beautiful pictures. I love the simplicity but yet modern feel of the their website/blog and also all the vintage wedding photography. I am so inspired by these photos, the lighting, colors, and the creativity that is put in these photos are just magnificent!! ::{image via simply bloom photography ::}

Long hair once again...

Back in spring time, I made the biggest mistake of cutting my hair...let just say do not let someone touch your hair when she/he is sad and depressed! My friend did a really good job the first time around, but the second time was a complete fail! I have been putting up my hair for work for months now, bc I hate having it down. I seriously look like a boy!!! Here is me with my long hair: Short hair :( :( 4 months later, with help of extensions: It feels weird having it on, but hopefully I'll get use to it.

What's for dinner?

I have been little sick lately so I haven't been a great wife..meaning tons of laundry and going out to eat. I did about 4 loads the other day..but luckily my dog was kind enough to help :) I looked back and saw Miko made himself at home on top of laundry. Gotta grab the camera too! Last night my brother-in-law and his kids came into town so I made some soup and pork for dinner. I was going to take a picture of the soup but then forgot. Oops! I don't really like to cook for myself, but I enjoy cooking for others. It's a great feeling to know that they are satisfied with full tummy =) I always wonder how often do people cook at home? I try to cook at least 4 times a week, and what do you usually cook? I don't know how to bake and I normally just cook Vietnamese Cuisine

DIY Wedding Pom Poms

Finally I know how to make fabric Pom Poms! they are super easy and I found the DIY on Once Wed. I am for sure making these for our next party! Wish I had found these last September when we got married . You will need Fabric, scissors, hot glue gun, and small paper laterns Step 4: Press the bottom of the folded circle with the hot glue onto the chinese lantern. Step 5: Repeat these steps until the whole lantern is covered. Once finished, attached some fabric to the metal frame of the lantern to hang. Step 1: Cut circles out of fabric. Step 2: Fold the circle in half and put a little hot glue on the center, then fold over to secure. Step 3: Apply more hot glue to the bottom of the folded circle. ::{ images via Once Wed DIY via Dolci Odille }::

I'm inspired

I love love browsing through other blogger's home. This week I am so inspired by Mandi beautiful home..i love her blog too! has this unique vintage feel to it. As I was looking through her blog, I found that Apartment Therapy also featured her home.. click here to view the whole article. This image is too cute, reminds me of my dog, Coco {:: image via candimandi.typepad ::}

New Chandelier

Our new chandelier that we bought from Ikea is finally up! We got it about a year ago and my husband somehow never got around to install it. Since our dining room is pretty small, we didn't want to get anything huge that would look too overwhelming. The chandelier was extremely affordable which was a plus! Here is the before the new chandelier and the after: just subtle and simple